2-Hours Fruit Degustation Tour (2-Hours Fruit Degustation Tour) Rio De Janeiro Brazil

2-Hours Fruit Degustation Tour

 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

South America is the origin of the biggest variety of fruits in the world. Coconut, passion fruit, avocado, pineapple, cocoa, açaí, custard apple, star fruit, guava, cashew to name but a few… There are literally hundreds of them and dozens are part of everyday Brazilian life, specially in or near the Amazon or the Cerrado (Brazilian Outback). This fruit tasting session introduces you to over a dozen of these exotic fruits. You will cut open, smell, taste and drink various fruits. Our fruit presenter will talk about their nutritional value, culinary uses and economic importance. Fruits to expect (depending on season) Acai Caju Acerola Goiaba Manga espada Jabuticaba Graviola Amora Carambola Jaca Custard Apple Pequi Passion Fruit Pitanga Umbu Seriguela Tamarindo Mamao Kinkan